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Accueillir au Kenya


Le Kenya est un pays d'Afrique de l'Est avec un littoral sur l'océan Indien. Il englobe la savane, les Lakelands, la spectaculaire vallée du Grand Rift et les hautes terres montagneuses.

Il abrite également des animaux sauvages comme des lions, des éléphants et des rhinocéros.

Depuis Nairobi, la capitale, les safaris visitent la réserve du Maasai Mara, connue pour ses migrations annuelles de gnous, et le parc national d'Amboseli, offrant une vue sur le mont Kilimandjaro de 5 895 m en Tanzanie. - Google

Nairobi est la capitale du Kenya. En plus de son noyau urbain, la ville possède le parc national de Nairobi, une grande réserve animalière connue pour l'élevage de rhinocéros noirs en voie de disparition et abritant des girafes, des zèbres et des lions.

À côté se trouve un orphelinat d'éléphants très réputé géré par le David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. Nairobi est également souvent utilisée comme point de départ pour des safaris ailleurs au Kenya.

Shri Mataji mentions Kenya

Kenya - - visited and 1998 10 24 - mention of Kenyans attendance

Play on Joan Of Arc and Talk, Eve of Diwali Puja - 1998/10/24

So I wish you all a very happy Diwali, and a very prosperous New Year. The whole evening was so full of joy, peace that I don't know how to describe. The whole event was worked out so beautifully by the French. Especially people from South Africa, from Benin, from Ivory Coast, from Kenya, and also many others who have come from various countries, have shown their talent, their joy, their happiness. The best part of it is that I've found them to be very well equipped with …

8th Day of Navaratri, Talk to English Yogis on Style and Content 1989/10/06

One good quality about English is that they are scholarly, they have scholarship. They read a lot, they know a lot. Ordinary person will also know. Also it being a very small country, they know about little, little places. You go anywhere they know, “This glass is from Darlington, this is from here, that is from there.” Indians wouldn’t know
anything! And if you ask them, “This sari comes from where?” Men, especially, women may tell you. Women will say, “I don’t know, must be from India is it? Or is it from Kenya?”

Tour Kenya - Date?
Voici une courte vidéo d'introduction au Kenya

Sahaja Yoga au Kenya

Souvenir Par : Kapil           & Didier Gauvin


Mirriam Gauvin .+19299907187

Manisha Shah .+254733513821

Love Kenya Tour

1st August to 15 August 2024

For More Information please contact:

Mirriam Gauvin


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